7 Months Baby : Growth and Milestones

7 Months Baby : Growth and Milestones

7 Months Baby : Growth and Milestones

During the first year, babies are more curious and would learn things faster. It is important to track their milestones as they grow. You start to get busier than earlier once your baby is 7 months old. Some babies crawl and sit up during this stage but some babies might take another 1 month to do this. Unless your baby is active in day to day activities you need not bother about their growth and development. Read through to know growth and milestones of your 7 months baby.

You can also buy them some developmental toys which they would enjoy and also learn. If you would like to know about them click here.

Babies are trying to reach and grab their favorite toys. A little help from us would help babies to take a step forward in reaching their milestones.

smiling baby lying on bed in room
Baby growth and development


Your baby will be rolling back and forth by this time. and some babies try to sit from their crawling position. Some babies crawl on their knee, some try to move on their tummy. You would get more busier looking around your moving baby. Some babies might start teething at this stage.

At this stage babies love monotonous games or activities. They would love to repeat what they are doing and master it. You can start to play with a ball with your baby or ask them to get hold of objects. All these would help in their development.

You can teach them to clap their hands which helps in their motor development.

Babies will continue to babble some sounds or words while watching or observing something. They also can recognize specific voice and words by now.


Your baby should be adjusted to solids by this time. You can start to give a little water to your baby as suggested by your doctor. Solids can be introduced and by this time you would be able to track their food schedule and know their favorites 🙂

Continue to breastfeed or formula feed your baby as it is primary source of nutrition at this stage.


Your baby would sleep all through the night giving you some sleep. But some babies would wake up 2 -3 times for feed. They would sleep more at night and might take 3 to 4 naps during the day.

Most of the babies growth happens during sleep so it is important to take care of their sleeping routine as both of you might get some rest.

Vitamin D, Calcium and iron supplements are given to babies at this stage as they are important in brain development and gaining bone strength.

Observe what your baby would like doing at this stage and try to get involved in their development activities.

Stay healthy. Stay safe!!

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